Handcrafted Bridal Jewellery and Accessories. Accessories as Unique as You.

My collections features Bridal Tiaras, Headbands, Hair Accessories (including Hair Combs and Hair Pins) and Bridal Jewellery. I also offer additional Wedding Accessories such as Fascinators, Bouquet Enhancers and Personalised 'Thank You' gifts.

Every item is handmade by me in the UK with the upmost care and attention to detail. All designs can be tailored to your specific requirements to ensure that they compliment the colour, style and theme of your special day.

Monday 18 July 2011



Oops, not posted on here for a while.  I have an excuse though.  I have been busy updating the website.  I have also been working on some new designs.  So, very soon I will be uploading new items to the website.  It's all very exciting :o)

Til then....

Annaliese (TAD)